================================================================================ DEGREE AUDIT and CHECK SHEET ================================================================================ Student Name: ________ Student ID: ________ SSU Email: ________ Major: ________ ================================================================================ Notes from student: ================================================================================ Notes from advisor: ================================================================================ INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Save this file as a txt to your computer. 2. Rename the file to your ID number and your name. Example: 8675309 - Smith.txt 3. Complete the check sheet with info from your transcripts: - Place an X in the brackets for courses you have completed or have in progress. - Replace XX00 with the Semester and year of a course completed or in progress. Examples: FA23 = Fall 2023 SP23 = Spring 2023 SM23 = Summer 2023 TC = Transfer Credit - Type any notes for the course to the far right of the course if necessary. - Unused courses, or courses of uncertain placement, may be included in the unused section. 4. Save this txt file and send to your advisor ================================================================================ BFA Illustration ================================================================================ ART CORE Required = all courses [] XX00 ARTH2211 - Art History Survey 1 [] XX00 ARTH2212 - Art History Survey 2 [] XX00 ARTH3*** - Art History Elective [] XX00 ARTH3*** - Art History Elective [] XX00 ARTS1101 - Two-Dimensional Foundations [] XX00 ARTS1103 - Three-Dimensional Foundations [] XX00 ARTS1104 - Creative Process [] XX00 ARTS1105 - Digital Foundations [] XX00 ARTS4180 - Senior Studio 1 [] XX00 ARTS4181 - Senior Studio 2 ILLUSTRATION TRACK REQUIREMENTS Note: Illustration is a track in the Studio Arts major. Required = all courses [] XX00 ARTS2211 - Drawing 1 [] XX00 ARTS2221 - Life Drawing 1 [] XX00 ARTS2222 - Life Drawing 2 [] XX00 ARTS2311 - Painting 1 [] XX00 ARTS2511 - Photography 1 [] XX00 ARTS2711 - Illustration [] XX00 ARTS2731 - Concept Art [] XX00 ARTS3621 - Digital Paint ART STUDIO ELECTIVES Required = 24 credit hours Choose any ARTS or ARTG courses outside of concentration. [] XX00 ARTS0000 - [Art Studio Elective] [] XX00 ARTS0000 - [Art Studio Elective] [] XX00 ARTS0000 - [Art Studio Elective] [] XX00 ARTS0000 - [Art Studio Elective] [] XX00 ARTS0000 - [Art Studio Elective] [] XX00 ARTS0000 - [Art Studio Elective] [] XX00 ARTS0000 - [Art Studio Elective] [] XX00 ARTS0000 - [Art Studio Elective] ================================================================================ General Electives ================================================================================ GENERAL ELECTIVES Required = 9 credit hours Choose 9 credit hours outside the courses in the major. [] XX00 XXXX0000 - [General Elective] [] XX00 XXXX0000 - [General Elective] [] XX00 XXXX0000 - [General Elective] NOTE: Students using ARTH courses to satisfy GEP requirements may require up to 9 elective hours in order to fulfill the state-required minimum of 120 total unique credit hours. ================================================================================ General Education Program (GEP) ================================================================================ NOTE: This document is an aid for advising and is not an official record. Official transcripts are available from the office of the registrar. FIRST YEAR EXPERIENCE Required = 1 course --- 1 credit hours minimum (Not required for incoming students with 30 or more transfer credits.) [] XX00 UNIV1100 - First Year Experience [] XX00 HONR1101 - Introduction to Honors ENGLISH COMPOSITION Required = 2 courses --- 6 credit hours minimum TAKE ONE: [] XX00 ENGL1101 - Discourse & Comp (A) [] XX00 ENGL1102 - Discourse & Comp (B) [] XX00 ENGL1103 - Comp for ESL Students 1 [] XX00 ENGL1201 - Discourse & Comp (Co-Requisite) AND TAKE: [] XX00 ENGL1105 - Comp and Argumentation ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Required = 1 course --- 3 credit hours minimum (The ARTH course in this section can also be used to satisfy an ART Core requirement.) [] XX00 ARTH2212 - Art History Survey 2 [] XX00 BUMG2900 - Prof. Comm./Dev. Skills (W) [] XX00 COMM1103 - Public Speaking/Hum. Comm. [] XX00 COMM2335 - Interpersonal Communication [] XX00 EDUC1115 - Intro to Teaching Profession (W) [] XX00 FREN1111 - Elementary French 1 [] XX00 FREN1112 - Elementary French 2 [] XX00 GRMN1111 - Elementary German 1 [] XX00 GRMN1112 - Elementary German 2 [] XX00 NTSC2900 - Sci. Documentation and Comm. [] XX00 POLS4420 - Intl. Relat. Model UN & Arab League [] XX00 SPAN1111 - Elementary Spanish 1 [] XX00 SPAN1112 - Elementary Spanish 2 [] XX00 THAR2212 - Acting 2 QUANTATATIVE REASONING Required = 1 course --- 3 credit hours minimum [] XX00 MATH1000 - Reasoning Using Mathematics [] XX00 MATH1000A - Reasoning with Mathematics Plus [] XX00 MATH1100 - Mathematics Core Course [] XX00 MATH1170 - Applied Finite Mathematics [] XX00 MATH1200 - College Algebra [] XX00 MATH1200A - College Algebra Plus [] XX00 MATH1250 - Trigonometry [] XX00 MATH1900 - Brief Calculus w/Applications [] XX00 MATH2110 - Calculus 1 [] XX00 PHIL1105 - Introduction to Logic [] XX00 STAT1150 - Principles of Statistics [] XX00 STAT1150A - Principles of Statistics Plus [] XX00 STAT1800 - Business Statistics [] XX00 STAT1800A - Business Statistics Plus [] XX00 STAT2500 - Statistics 1 ENGAGED CITIZENRY Required = 1 course --- 3 credit hours minimum (The ARTH course in this section can also be used to satisfy an ART Core requirement.) [] XX00 ARTH3454 - North American Art [] XX00 ECON1103 - Foundations of Political Economy [] XX00 EDUC2245 - Understanding Cultural Diversity (W) [] XX00 HIST1340 - American History since 1865 [] XX00 HUMA2226 - Studies Amer. Cultural Hist. & Lit. (W) [] XX00 PHIL3360 - Political Philosophy [] XX00 POLS1110 - National Government [] XX00 POLS1310 - Intro to Political Theory [] XX00 HIST3350 - Asian American History ETHICAL INSIGHT & REASONING Required = 1 course --- 3 credit hours minimum [] XX00 PHIL2320 - Ethics in Public & Private Life (W) [] XX00 PHIL3332 - Biomedical Ethics [] XX00 HIST3474 - Peace and Justice [] XX00 HIST3432 - Gandhi and Modern India (W) [] XX00 SOCI2485 - Community Formations FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS Required = 1 course --- 3 credit hours minimum [] XX00 ARTH1101 - Introduction to Art [] XX00 ENGL2275 - American Film History [] XX00 ENGL2277 - The Cinematics of Contemporary Human Mobility [] XX00 ENGL2277 - Cinematics of Human Migration [] XX00 MUSI1111 - Music Theory 1 [] XX00 MUSI1201 - Music Appreciation [] XX00 MUSI2211 - Music History: Opera to Pop [] XX00 THAR1000 - Introduction to Theater GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES Required = 1 course --- 3 credit hours minimum (The ARTH course in this section can also be used to satisfy an ART Core requirement.) [] XX00 ARTH3456 - Twentieth Century Art [] XX00 ENGL3334 - Comparative Queer Theory & Lit (W) [] XX00 ENGL3348 - Comp. Feminist Lit. & Theory (W) [] XX00 GEOG1125 - World Geography [] XX00 GEOG2201 - Cultural Geography [] XX00 HIST2440 - World History II [] XX00 HIST2540 - Introduction to the Middle East [] XX00 HIST3400 - History of Hinduism [] XX00 HIST3410 - East Asian History [] XX00 HIST3414 - Asia: History and Culture [] XX00 HIST3420 - Islamic Crusades in India [] XX00 HIST3500 - History of Southern Africa (W) [] XX00 HIST3550 - Islam: Religion, Politics, Society [] XX00 HUMA2227 - Global Transnational Cultures (W) [] XX00 POLS1210 - Introduction to Comparative Politics [] XX00 POLS1410 - Introduction to International Relations [] XX00 POLS3410 - International Political Economy (W) [] XX00 RELI3300 - Judaism, Christianity, & Islam HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES Required = 1 course --- 3 credit hours minimum (The ARTH course in this section can also be used to satisfy an ART Core requirement.) [] XX00 ARTH3366 - Non-Western Arts Survey [] XX00 ENGL2205 - Intro to Women’s Studies [] XX00 HIST1330 - American History to 1865 [] XX00 HIST2102 - Medieval/Renais Europe 476-1517 [] XX00 HIST2103 - Revolutionary Europe 1517-1921 [] XX00 HIST2223 - Ancient History of the Near East [] XX00 HIST2430 - World History I [] XX00 HIST3140 - Europe & Modern World System [] XX00 HIST3300 - Christianity in Early America (W) [] XX00 HIST3430 - Ancient Indian Culture/Society [] XX00 HIST3510 - History of Islam: 7th-15th Century (W) [] XX00 HIST3520 - Hist. Crusades: Crescent & Cross (W) [] XX00 HUMA2225 - Fndl. Texts in W. Cultural History (W) [] XX00 PHIL2200 - Intro to Philosophy (W) [] XX00 PHIL2284 - Asian Philosophy (W) [] XX00 RELI2230 - History of Christian Thought HUMAN BEHAVIOR Required = 1 course --- 3 credit hours minimum [] XX00 ANTH2250 - Principles of Cultural Anthropology [] XX00 ANTH2350 - Biological Anthropology [] XX00 ANTH2530 - World Prehistory and Archaeology [] XX00 ECON2201 - Principles of Microeconomics [] XX00 ECON2202 - Principles of Macroeconomics [] XX00 PSYC1101 - Introduction to Psychology [] XX00 SOCI1101 - Introduction to Sociology [] XX00 SOSC1110 - Foundations of Social Science LITERATURE Required = 1 course --- 3 credit hours minimum [] XX00 ENGL2200 - Introduction to Literature (W) [] XX00 ENGL2211 - English Literature Survey: Old English through the Renaissance (W) [] XX00 ENGL2212 - English Literature Survey: Romanticism to Present (W) [] XX00 ENGL2247 - World Literature (W) [] XX00 ENGL2251 - American Literature Survey: Colonial through Romanticism (W) [] XX00 ENGL2252 - American Literature Survey: Realism through Postmodernism (W) NATURAL SCIENCES Required = 2 courses --- 7 credit hours minimum (At least one course MUST have a lab component.) - - Courses without Lab Component. - - [] XX00 NTSC1110 - Scientific Reasoning [] XX00 GEOL1401 - Climate Change [] XX00 NTSC1501 - Environment and Society - - Courses with Lab Component. - - [] XX00 BIOL1120 - Concepts in Biology [] XX00 BIOL1130 - Prin. of Anatomy/Physiology 1 [] XX00 BIOL1131 - Prin. of Anatomy/Physiology 2 [] XX00 BIOL1151 - General Biology 1 [] XX00 BIOL1152 - General Biology 2 [] XX00 BIOL2253 - Practical Horticulture [] XX00 BIOL3750 - Microbiology [] XX00 CHEM1121 - Principles of Chemistry [] XX00 CHEM1141 - General Chemistry 1 [] XX00 CHEM1142 - General Chemistry 2 [] XX00 GEOL1201 - Physical Geol/Human Environ. [] XX00 GEOL1202 - Historical Geology [] XX00 GEOL1350 - Planet Earth [] XX00 PHYS2201 - Physics 1 (Mechanics & Energy) [] XX00 PHYS2202 - Physics 2 (Energy/Elec/Magnet) [] XX00 PHYS2210 - Introductory Astronomy [] XX00 PHYS2211 - Calculus-Based Physics 1 [] XX00 PHYS2212 - Calculus-Based Physics 2 [] XX00 PSCI2251 - Physical Science by Inquiry 1 Note: Credit is not allowed for both CHEM 1121/2200 and CHEM 1141/1142. CAPSTONE Required = 1 course --- 3 credit hours minimum [] XX00 HONR 4479 - Honors Capstone [] XX00 IDST 4490 - Senior Seminar Note: Two Writing Intensive courses are required. Marked with (W). ================================================================================ Unused courses ================================================================================ Record any courses that are unused in this audit in this section ================================================================================ Overall 4-yr Requirement ================================================================================ School policy requires that students pursuing a bachelors degree are required to complete: * minimum number of overall hours: 120 semester hours * minimum number of hours taken at this university: 30 semester hours * minimum overall GPA: 2.0 ================================================================================ NOTE: This document is an aid for advising and is not an official record. Official transcripts are available from the office of the registrar.