================================================================================ BFA Studio Arts DEGREE AUDIT and CHECK SHEET ================================================================================ Student Name: ________________ Student ID: ________________ SSU Email: ________________ Major: BFA Studio Arts Track: ________________ Minor: ________________ Advisor: ________________ NOTE: This document is an aid for advising and is not an official record. Official transcripts are available from the office of the registrar. ================================================================================ Notes from student: ================================================================================ Notes from advisor: ================================================================================ INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Save this file as a txt to your computer. 2. Rename the file to your ID number and your name. Example: 8675309 - Smith.txt 3. Complete the check sheet with info from your transcripts: - Place an X in the brackets for courses you have completed or have in progress. - Replace XX00 with the Semester and year of a course completed or in progress. Examples: FA24 = Fall 2024 SP24 = Spring 2024 SM24 = Summer 2024 TC = Transfer Credit - Type any notes for the course to the far right of the course if necessary. - Unused courses, or courses of uncertain placement, may be included in the unused section. 4. Save this txt file and send to your advisor as an attachment through university email. NOTE: This document is an aid for advising and is not an official record. Official transcripts are available from the office of the registrar. ================================================================================ BFA Studio Arts UG24 ================================================================================ ART CORE Required = all courses [] XX00 ARTH2211 - Art History Survey 1 [] XX00 ARTH2212 - Art History Survey 2 [] XX00 ARTH3*** - Art History Elective [] XX00 ARTH3*** - Art History Elective [] XX00 ARTS1101 - Two-Dimensional Foundations [] XX00 ARTS1103 - Three-Dimensional Foundations [] XX00 ARTS1104 - Creative Process [] XX00 ARTS1105 - Digital Foundations [] XX00 ARTS4180 - Senior Studio 1 [] XX00 ARTS4181 - Senior Studio 2 FINE ARTS TRACK REQUIREMENTS Note: Fine Arts is a track in the Studio Arts major. Required = all courses [] XX00 ARTS2211 - Drawing 1 [] XX00 ARTS2212 - Drawing 2 [] XX00 ARTS2221 - Life Drawing 1 [] XX00 ARTS2222 - Life Drawing 2 [] XX00 ARTS2311 - Painting 1 [] XX00 ARTS2312 - Painting 2 [] XX00 ARTS2411 - Ceramics 1 [] XX00 ARTS2511 - Photography 1 ART STUDIO ELECTIVES Required = 24 credit hours Choose any ARTS or ARTG courses outside of concentration. [] XX00 ARTS0000 - [Art Studio Elective] [] XX00 ARTS0000 - [Art Studio Elective] [] XX00 ARTS0000 - [Art Studio Elective] [] XX00 ARTS0000 - [Art Studio Elective] [] XX00 ARTS0000 - [Art Studio Elective] [] XX00 ARTS0000 - [Art Studio Elective] [] XX00 ARTS0000 - [Art Studio Elective] [] XX00 ARTS0000 - [Art Studio Elective] ================================================================================ General Electives ================================================================================ GENERAL ELECTIVES Required = 9 credit hours Choose 9 credit hours outside the courses in the major. [] XX00 XXXX0000 - [General Elective] [] XX00 XXXX0000 - [General Elective] [] XX00 XXXX0000 - [General Elective] NOTE: Students using ARTH courses to satisfy GEP requirements may require up to 9 elective hours in order to fulfill the state-required minimum of 120 total unique credit hours. ================================================================================ General Education Program (GEP) ================================================================================ NOTE: This document is an aid for advising and is not an official record. Official transcripts are available from the office of the registrar. FIRST YEAR EXPERIENCE Required = 1 course --- 1 credit hours minimum (Not required for incoming students with 30 or more transfer credits.) [] XX00 UNIV1100 - First Year Experience [] XX00 HONR1101 - Introduction to Honors ENGLISH COMPOSITION Required = 2 courses --- 6 credit hours minimum TAKE ONE: [] XX00 ENGL1101 - Discourse & Comp (A) [] XX00 ENGL1102 - Discourse & Comp (B) [] XX00 ENGL1103 - Comp for ESL Students 1 [] XX00 ENGL1201 - Discourse & Comp (Co-Requisite) AND TAKE: [] XX00 ENGL1105 - Comp and Argumentation ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Required = 1 course --- 3 credit hours minimum (The ARTH course in this section can also be used to satisfy an ART Core requirement.) [] XX00 ARTH2212 - Art History Survey 2 [] XX00 BUMG2900 - Prof. Comm./Dev. Skills (W) [] XX00 COMM1103 - Public Speaking/Hum. Comm. [] XX00 COMM2335 - Interpersonal Communication [] XX00 EDUC1115 - Intro to Teaching Profession (W) [] XX00 FREN1111 - Elementary French 1 [] XX00 FREN1112 - Elementary French 2 [] XX00 GRMN1111 - Elementary German 1 [] XX00 GRMN1112 - Elementary German 2 [] XX00 NTSC2900 - Sci. Documentation and Comm. [] XX00 POLS4420 - Intl. Relat. Model UN & Arab League [] XX00 SPAN1111 - Elementary Spanish 1 [] XX00 SPAN1112 - Elementary Spanish 2 [] XX00 THAR2212 - Acting 2 QUANTATATIVE REASONING Required = 1 course --- 3 credit hours minimum [] XX00 MATH1000 - Reasoning Using Mathematics [] XX00 MATH1000A - Reasoning with Mathematics Plus [] XX00 MATH1100 - Mathematics Core Course [] XX00 MATH1170 - Applied Finite Mathematics [] XX00 MATH1200 - College Algebra [] XX00 MATH1200A - College Algebra Plus [] XX00 MATH1250 - Trigonometry [] XX00 MATH1900 - Brief Calculus w/Applications [] XX00 MATH2110 - Calculus 1 [] XX00 PHIL1105 - Introduction to Logic [] XX00 STAT1150 - Principles of Statistics [] XX00 STAT1150A - Principles of Statistics Plus [] XX00 STAT1800 - Business Statistics [] XX00 STAT1800A - Business Statistics Plus [] XX00 STAT2500 - Statistics 1 ENGAGED CITIZENRY Required = 1 course --- 3 credit hours minimum (The ARTH course in this section can also be used to satisfy an ART Core requirement.) [] XX00 ARTH3454 - North American Art [] XX00 ECON1103 - Foundations of Political Economy [] XX00 EDUC2245 - Understanding Cultural Diversity (W) [] XX00 HIST1340 - American History since 1865 [] XX00 HUMA2226 - Studies Amer. Cultural Hist. & Lit. (W) [] XX00 PHIL3360 - Political Philosophy [] XX00 POLS1110 - National Government [] XX00 POLS1310 - Intro to Political Theory [] XX00 HIST3350 - Asian American History ETHICAL INSIGHT & REASONING Required = 1 course --- 3 credit hours minimum [] XX00 PHIL2320 - Ethics in Public & Private Life (W) [] XX00 PHIL3332 - Biomedical Ethics [] XX00 HIST3474 - Peace and Justice [] XX00 HIST3432 - Gandhi and Modern India (W) [] XX00 SOCI2485 - Community Formations FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS Required = 1 course --- 3 credit hours minimum [] XX00 ARTH1101 - Introduction to Art [] XX00 ENGL2275 - American Film History [] XX00 ENGL2277 - The Cinematics of Contemporary Human Mobility [] XX00 ENGL2277 - Cinematics of Human Migration [] XX00 MUSI1111 - Music Theory 1 [] XX00 MUSI1201 - Music Appreciation [] XX00 MUSI2211 - Music History: Opera to Pop [] XX00 THAR1000 - Introduction to Theater GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES Required = 1 course --- 3 credit hours minimum (The ARTH course in this section can also be used to satisfy an ART Core requirement.) [] XX00 ARTH3456 - Twentieth Century Art [] XX00 ENGL3334 - Comparative Queer Theory & Lit (W) [] XX00 ENGL3348 - Comp. Feminist Lit. & Theory (W) [] XX00 GEOG1125 - World Geography [] XX00 GEOG2201 - Cultural Geography [] XX00 HIST2440 - World History II [] XX00 HIST2540 - Introduction to the Middle East [] XX00 HIST3400 - History of Hinduism [] XX00 HIST3410 - East Asian History [] XX00 HIST3414 - Asia: History and Culture [] XX00 HIST3420 - Islamic Crusades in India [] XX00 HIST3500 - History of Southern Africa (W) [] XX00 HIST3550 - Islam: Religion, Politics, Society [] XX00 HUMA2227 - Global Transnational Cultures (W) [] XX00 POLS1210 - Introduction to Comparative Politics [] XX00 POLS1410 - Introduction to International Relations [] XX00 POLS3410 - International Political Economy (W) [] XX00 RELI3300 - Judaism, Christianity, & Islam HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES Required = 1 course --- 3 credit hours minimum (The ARTH course in this section can also be used to satisfy an ART Core requirement.) [] XX00 ARTH3366 - Non-Western Arts Survey [] XX00 ENGL2205 - Intro to Women’s Studies [] XX00 HIST1330 - American History to 1865 [] XX00 HIST2102 - Medieval/Renais Europe 476-1517 [] XX00 HIST2103 - Revolutionary Europe 1517-1921 [] XX00 HIST2223 - Ancient History of the Near East [] XX00 HIST2430 - World History I [] XX00 HIST3140 - Europe & Modern World System [] XX00 HIST3300 - Christianity in Early America (W) [] XX00 HIST3430 - Ancient Indian Culture/Society [] XX00 HIST3510 - History of Islam: 7th-15th Century (W) [] XX00 HIST3520 - Hist. Crusades: Crescent & Cross (W) [] XX00 HUMA2225 - Fndl. Texts in W. Cultural History (W) [] XX00 PHIL2200 - Intro to Philosophy (W) [] XX00 PHIL2284 - Asian Philosophy (W) [] XX00 RELI2230 - History of Christian Thought HUMAN BEHAVIOR Required = 1 course --- 3 credit hours minimum [] XX00 ANTH2250 - Principles of Cultural Anthropology [] XX00 ANTH2350 - Biological Anthropology [] XX00 ANTH2530 - World Prehistory and Archaeology [] XX00 ECON2201 - Principles of Microeconomics [] XX00 ECON2202 - Principles of Macroeconomics [] XX00 PSYC1101 - Introduction to Psychology [] XX00 SOCI1101 - Introduction to Sociology [] XX00 SOSC1110 - Foundations of Social Science LITERATURE Required = 1 course --- 3 credit hours minimum [] XX00 ENGL2200 - Introduction to Literature (W) [] XX00 ENGL2211 - English Literature Survey: Old English through the Renaissance (W) [] XX00 ENGL2212 - English Literature Survey: Romanticism to Present (W) [] XX00 ENGL2247 - World Literature (W) [] XX00 ENGL2251 - American Literature Survey: Colonial through Romanticism (W) [] XX00 ENGL2252 - American Literature Survey: Realism through Postmodernism (W) NATURAL SCIENCES Required = 2 courses --- 7 credit hours minimum (At least one course MUST have a lab component.) - - Courses without Lab Component. - - [] XX00 NTSC1110 - Scientific Reasoning [] XX00 GEOL1401 - Climate Change [] XX00 NTSC1501 - Environment and Society - - Courses with Lab Component. - - [] XX00 BIOL1120 - Concepts in Biology [] XX00 BIOL1130 - Prin. of Anatomy/Physiology 1 [] XX00 BIOL1131 - Prin. of Anatomy/Physiology 2 [] XX00 BIOL1151 - General Biology 1 [] XX00 BIOL1152 - General Biology 2 [] XX00 BIOL2253 - Practical Horticulture [] XX00 BIOL3750 - Microbiology [] XX00 CHEM1121 - Principles of Chemistry [] XX00 CHEM1141 - General Chemistry 1 [] XX00 CHEM1142 - General Chemistry 2 [] XX00 GEOL1201 - Physical Geol/Human Environ. [] XX00 GEOL1202 - Historical Geology [] XX00 GEOL1350 - Planet Earth [] XX00 PHYS2201 - Physics 1 (Mechanics & Energy) [] XX00 PHYS2202 - Physics 2 (Energy/Elec/Magnet) [] XX00 PHYS2210 - Introductory Astronomy [] XX00 PHYS2211 - Calculus-Based Physics 1 [] XX00 PHYS2212 - Calculus-Based Physics 2 [] XX00 PSCI2251 - Physical Science by Inquiry 1 Note: Credit is not allowed for both CHEM 1121/2200 and CHEM 1141/1142. CAPSTONE Required = 1 course --- 3 credit hours minimum [] XX00 HONR4479 - Honors Capstone [] XX00 IDST4490 - Senior Seminar Note: Two Writing Intensive courses are required. Marked with (W). ================================================================================ Overall 4-yr Requirement ================================================================================ School policy requires that students pursuing a bachelors degree are required to complete: * minimum number of overall hours: 120 semester hours * minimum number of hours taken at this university: 30 semester hours * minimum overall GPA: 2.0 ================================================================================ NOTE: This document is an aid for advising and is not an official record. Official transcripts are available from the office of the registrar.