Common Interview Questions and How to Consider Each

These are a bit general but don’t go into an interview without having a solid answer to each of these.

  1. Tell us a bit about yourself?
    • Best Approach: Focus on your professional background, highlighting key achievements and experiences relevant to the role. Briefly mention your education and a bit about your interests or passions related to the industry.
    • Avoid: Going into too much personal detail, recounting your entire life story, or listing experiences not relevant to the job.
  2. What are your strengths & weaknesses?
    • Best Approach: Highlight strengths that directly relate to the job and provide examples. For weaknesses, choose a real but minor flaw, explain how you’re working to improve it, and how you’ve already made progress.
    • Avoid: Claiming you have no weaknesses, using cliché answers (e.g., I’m a perfectionist”), or stating a weakness that’s critical for the job.
  3. Why do you want to work here?
    • Best Approach: Research the company and align your career goals with its mission, values, and recent achievements. Explain how the role fits into your career plan.
    • Avoid: Giving generic reasons, discussing salary or benefits as primary motivations, or showing lack of knowledge about the company.
  4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    • Best Approach: Talk about your career goals, how you plan to develop your skills, and your aspirations that align with the company’s trajectory. Show ambition but also a willingness to grow within the role.
    • Avoid: Being overly specific (e.g., I want your job”), sounding aimless, or implying that you see this job as a short-term stepping stone.
  5. Why should we hire you?
    • Best Approach: Emphasize your unique skills, experience, and how you can solve specific problems or add value to the team. Use examples to illustrate your points.
    • Avoid: Rehashing your resume, making unsubstantiated claims, or failing to connect your answer to the company’s needs.
  6. Challenge at work & how you dealt with it?
    • Best Approach: Describe a specific challenge, outline the actions you took to address it, and highlight the positive outcome or lessons learned. Focus on your problem-solving and resilience.
    • Avoid: Blaming others, choosing a trivial challenge, or discussing a failure without showing how you learned from it.
  7. Greatest professional achievement?
    • Best Approach: Share a significant accomplishment that demonstrates relevant skills and a positive impact. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your answer.
    • Avoid: Being overly modest, choosing an irrelevant achievement, or failing to explain your role in the success.
  8. Why are you leaving your current job?
    • Best Approach: Keep it positive and focus on seeking new opportunities, growth, and challenges. Mention what excites you about the prospective role and company.
    • Avoid: Criticizing your current or past employers, discussing conflicts or dissatisfaction, or appearing desperate to leave.
  9. How do you handle stress & pressure?
    • Best Approach: Provide examples of how you manage stress effectively, such as prioritizing tasks, staying organized, or using stress-relief techniques. Show that you can maintain performance under pressure.
    • Avoid: Claiming you never feel stressed, giving vague answers, or implying that you struggle to manage stress.
  10. Do you have any questions for us?
    • Best Approach: Ask insightful questions about the role, company culture, team dynamics, or growth opportunities. This shows your interest and helps you assess if the job is a good fit.
    • Avoid: Saying you have no questions, asking about salary or benefits too early, or asking questions that could be easily answered by basic research.

By preparing thoughtful answers and avoiding common pitfalls, you can leave a strong, positive impression in your interview.