Figma teams admin

Do you miss how teams were displayed pre-drafts update? Miss being able to quickly and easily move between teams or drag files from one team to another? There might be a solution.

Teams admin screen proposal — We can regain the benefits of the previous teams UI while keeping the option for the uber-clean interface we have now by allowing for starred teams.”

When Figma changed to attach drafts to teams, they also updated the team admin UI. Though cleaner looking, the sparseness of the updated UI removed the overview of teams that allowed quick access and the ability to drag files from one team to another.

The answer: Starred Teams!

Starring a team displays the team, along with its starred files and folders, in a section on the sidebar just below the currently selected team.

Want to return to pre-drafts update sidebar? Star all your teams! Prefer the new setup? Don’t star any teams! For a hybrid approach, star the teams that matter most to you.

Starred files and folders for the currently selected team display under the Admin option, same as current. Drafts has been moved here as it functions as the team home folder for the current user and is always starred.

Selecting a starred team makes that team the currently selected team and updates the UI to reflect this.

Dragging a file to a starred team in the sidebar moves that file to that team’s drafts folder.