Entries tagged graphic design


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Creating a design resume

Download: Sample Resume Docx Creating a resume as a graphic designer is your chance to show off your creativity while keeping things professional…

Computer Recommendations

Students applying for the Game Design Arts or Graphic Design programs will have access to high-end computers in the art computer studios. These are…

Mood Boards

In graphic design, a mood board is a visual tool used to convey the overall aesthetic, mood, and tone of a design project. It serves as a curated…

Letter to a Junior Designer

By Elliot Dahl Originally published Aug 14, 2017, at Medium I moved to San Francisco in 2013 as a junior designer with only a few years of…

An Incomplete Reading List for Graphic Designers

These are all books that I have read and can personally recommend. The Non-Designer’s Design Book by Robin Williams Thinking with Type by Ellen…

Basic art principles

Color Color is the visual property of the pigment of an object that is detected by the eye and produced as a result of the way the object reflects…

Portfolio - Tips for creating a compelling portfolio

Think about your unique approach to design and ways you can convey that in your portfolio. Strong personal branding is critical to your freelancing…

Creating a design portfolio

Blatantly cobbled together from: www.nngroup.com/articles/ux-design-portfolios/ www.semplice.com/how-to-write-case-studies-for-your-portfolio…